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About Me

Let's normalize positivity together.

My name is Hubert Zhou, and I’m a student who wants to work towards a more mentally healthy society. I believe that one of the most fulfilling feelings is being there for someone and truly helping to make a positive difference in their life. In order to do that, I want to empower others to take control of their own lives and reach their highest potential. In highschool, I suffered from lung collapse and I eventually needed to have surgery. Although it was a difficult period, I managed to keep an upbeat attitude. For me, the time I spent in the hospital as my lung was treated and healed brought about positivity and smiles despite the physical challenge. As long as I kept an upbeat attitude, I knew it would make the loved ones around me suffer much less. That positive perspective not only made the eight days more bearable, but rewarding.

Now, I’m a certified personal life coach here to make your journey All Yours. I help you create attainable goals, hold you accountable for them, and empower you to make them a reality. The best part? My sessions revolve around you. Not only do I help you create and reach your goals, but I enable you to do so on your own.

I've found that a lot of my personal and professional strengths revolve around people. My positivity and humor has proven to be the highlight of both my professional and personal life. On the professional side, I am the Head of Operations at an edtech startup called Smart Course. As the Head of Operations, I acted as the COO and put my leadership, organizational, and project management skills to the test which helped me develop into a leader who empowers those who work alongside me. These strengths are unique because while anyone can tell people what to do to get something done, only some can help them grow as a result of it. Through coaching, I want to help others grow just as much, if not more, and get one step closer to promoting a more mentally healthy society.

Your journey is All Yours.

About Me: About Me
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